Site file directory
- 145 mph Lotus M100 Preview (1987)
- 200 mph Porsche (1987)
- 1987 Technical Highlights (1987)
- A Love to Tell
- A partial listing of things I’ve written
- A-Team newsletter (April 1, 1990)
- A-Team newsletter (February 11, 1990)
- A-Team newsletter (March 15, 1990)
- All the world’s a stage … (1987)
- Argus Argot
- Ashton-Tate’s dBASE Mac (1987)
- Assorted screenplays
- Autotech interview with industry leader C. William (Bob) Heeblehauser (1988)
- AutoTech’s Quaife Differential (1987)
- Autotech’s Supercharged, Nitrous Oxide Golf (1987)
- Bacchetta Giro 26 review (November 2009)
- Beginner’s Luck (1988)
- Beginning HyperTalk: Making an External Index Stack (1988)
- Beyond Desktop Publishing (1988)
- Book review: ¡Adios, America!: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole, by Ann Coulter
- Book review: A Dangerous Man, by Robert Crais
- Book review: Disclosure, by Michael Crichton
- Book review: Eat Bacon, Don’t Jog, by Grant Petersen
- Book review: Glock: The Rise of America’s Gun,by Paul M. Barrett
- Book review: In Trump We Trust, by Ann Coulter
- Book review: Melting Down, by Harvey Stone
- Book review: Nevada — A History, by Robert Laxalt
- Book review: Noble Beginnings, by L. T. Ryan
- Book review: Obstruction of Justice: How the Deep State Risked National Security to Protect the Democrats, by Luke Rosiak
- Book review: Roughing It and Life on the Mississippi, by Mark Twain
- Book review: Smashing WordPress, by Thord Daniel Hedengren
- Book review: Spygate: The Attempted Sabotage of Donald J. Trump, by Dan Bongino, D.C. McAllister, and Matt Palumbo
- Book review: State of Emergency, by Patrick J. Buchanan
- Book review: Technical Tennis, by Rod Cross and Crawford Lindsey
- Book review: The Associate, by John Grisham
- Book review: The Boys in the Boat, by Daniel James Brown
- Book review: The Code of the Woosters, by P. G. Wodehouse
- Book review: The Cold Dish, by Craig Johnson
- Book review: The Law of Innocence, by Michael Connelly
- Book review: The Rogue Lawyer, by John Grisham
- Book review: The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump, by Gregg Jarrett
- Book review: The Sentinel, by Lee Child (with Andrew Child)
- Book review: The Silencing, by Kirsten Powers
- Book review: The Sun Also Rises, by Ernest Hemingway
- Book review: The Used 911 Story, 8th Edition, by Peter M. Zimmerman
- Book review: Twisted, by Steve Cavanagh
- Book review: What’s So Funny?, by Tim Conway
- Book review: Who Built That, by Michelle Malkin
- Book review: Zero History, by William Gibson
- Book reviews
- Book reviews: Triple Tap and Killer Kink, by Fred Reed
- Bosphorus
- Button’s Raven Gloss
- Buy-Phone, the computerized Yellow Pages (1988)
- Chroma Polaris Owner’s Manual
- CMW 911 Cylinder Heads (1987)
- Compression and leakdown testing (1992)
- Contact Greg Raven
- Correspondence
- Correspondence: Phil Austin
- Correspondence: Phil Austin (April 17, 1991)
- Correspondence: Phil Austin (March 22, 1991)
- Correspondence: Phil Austin (May 15, 1990)
- Correspondence: Robert Frenz
- Corvette Performance: The Technical Bits (October 1988)
- Crewing for Yellow Labrador at the 2011 FC508
- dBASE Mac revisited (1988)
- Definitionisms
- Desktop Publishing: Getting The Word Out With Word
- Distributed computing results
- Do-it-yourself wheel alignment (1988)
- Don’t stop at the top (1987)
- Dream Date
- Expert Driving, by Patrick Bedard (1988)
- First Look: Corvette ZR1 — Something old, something new (October 1988)
- Form Letter: Attorney Advice
- Form Letter: Date Letter
- Form Letter: Thank-you letter
- Form Letters
- G-Analyst Helps You Improve Your Technique (1987)
- Game, Seriously Extreme Tennis, Match
- Garretson Enterprises’ 911 Engine Overhaul Class (1987)
- Greg Raven — Apple Valley, CA
- Greg Raven’s List o’ Links
- Greg Raven’s magazine resume
- Greg Raven’s resumes
- Greg Raven’s show biz resume
- Greg Raven’s site search
- Hands Full of Tools
- History Lesson
- HyperAngst (1988)
- HyperCard Basics: Import or Domestic? (1988)
- HyperCard Corner (1988)
- HyperCard Corner: Hidden Fields
- HyperCard: A Sorted Tale
- Ich Sah, Ich Fuhr, Ich Schreib (1987)
- Illuminated Keylights (1986)
- Invasion of the Tortoise Snatchers
- Junk Mail: Communism, American Enemy #1
- Junk Mail: DANGЯUS Grand Opening
- Junk Mail: Guess What?
- Junk Mail: Help Bendix!
- Junk Mail: Menu postcard
- Junk Mail: Nuclear Sunsets
- Junk Mail: Roller Bowling
- Junk Mail: The Millionaire’s Secret To Success
- Junk Mail: You can be a UPC insider
- Letter: To Bob Miller on his retirement
- Letters: Christmas 2017
- Letters: Christmas 2018
- Letters: Christmas 2020
- Lightning Phantom II review (October 2011)
- Longbikes Slipstream review (January 2011)
- Mailgram to Pat McCormick (November 10, 1978)
- McMax — The dBASE III Work-Alike (1987)
- Middle Aged Mac User
- Millionizing The Rabbit: A counterpoint (1987)
- Movie review: Get Carter (2000)
- Movie reviews
- Movie screenplay review: Animal House (1978)
- My Burn Notice
- My calendar Proposal
- My Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth
- My New Year’s resolutions
- My Pat McCormick shrine
- Netlify review (August 2020)
- Operation Las Vegas (1987)
- Pat McCormick’s handwriting
- Phone Message: Advanced Memory Systems
- Phone Message: Alien Alliance for Progress
- Phone Message: American Hoptological Society
- Phone Message: Animal King Food Mart
- Phone Message: Anita Bryant
- Phone Message: Auto Repair
- Phone Message: Baboon Motors
- Phone Message: Barstow Bay
- Phone Message: Big Event
- Phone Message: Big Productions
- Phone Message: Conserving Energy
- Phone Message: Crisis Emergency Hotline
- Phone Message: Dog Surrogate Twins Institute
- Phone Message: Dog Surrogate Twins Pharmacy
- Phone Message: Don’t Bug the Recluse
- Phone Message: Don’t Miss Out
- Phone Message: Dr. Savage’s
- Phone Message: Fifteen Seconds
- Phone Message: Getting Serious
- Phone Message: How Would You Like …
- Phone Message: Humor Dynamics
- Phone Message: I’m Working
- Phone Message: I’ve Left the Planet
- Phone Message: Insta-Twin
- Phone Message: Mayor Garcetti
- Phone Message: Memory Test
- Phone Message: Mental Case
- Phone Message: Mercury Monarch
- Phone Message: Middle of Message
- Phone Message: My Brain Has Eloped
- Phone Message: Nirvana
- Phone Message: Not Here Right Now
- Phone Message: NSA Scam and Fraud Division
- Phone Message: On the Phone Again
- Phone Message: Out Collecting
- Phone Message: Pizza Surprise
- Phone Message: Prima Donna
- Phone Message: Problems, Problems
- Phone Message: Re-elect Reagan
- Phone Message: Recuperating
- Phone Message: Shooting Off My Toes
- Phone Message: Simple, straightforward message
- Phone Message: Tennis Classic
- Phone Message: This is the Machine
- Phone Message: This Phone Is Tapped
- Phone Message: Three-Minute Warning
- Phone Message: Traced and Tracked
- Phone Message: Turbo Jet
- Phone Message: Video Friends
- Phone Message: Wet Spot Industries
- Phone Message: Willow
- Phone Message: You Know What to Do
- Phone Messages
- Phone Messages: Your Bed Isn’t Safe
- Politics: Papoon for Resident
- Porsche at the Salt Flats (1987)
- Porsche Suspension Testing (1987)
- Power Consumer (1988)
- Pretentious musings: Information theory
- Project Demi-Quattro (1984)
- Project Luna (1987)
- Project Luna: A Drive to the Moon (March 1987)
- Radio play: Gearbox Shifts for Himself
- Radio play: This Great, Green Nation of Ours (1979)
- Ravens, ravens, ravens
- Review: Lightning P-38
- Revised Automotive Handbook (1987)
- Rivera M&S series amplifier manual
- Rivera Tube Rack Series amplifier manual
- Rumors & Muck (1988)
- Scientists say ravens display foresight, a trait thought unique to apes
- Screenplay: $3,000, by Jonathan Lawton
- Screenplay: Boat, by Pat McCormick and Tom Moore
- Screenplay: Comedy Tonight, by Pat McCormick
- Screenplay: Far From Home, by Melanie Hunt
- Screenplay: Piranha Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death, by Jonathan Lawton
- Screenplay: Play Ball!, Pat McCormick’s rewrite
- Screenplay: Red Sneakers, by Jonathan Lawton
- Screenplay: Skateworld, U.S.A., Pat McCormick’s rewrite
- Screenplay: Some Kind of Lizard, Pat McCormick’s rewrite
- Screenplay: To Be Continued …
- Screenplay: Under the Rainbow, Pat McCormick’s rewrite
- Short scene: The Answering Service
- Short scene: The Scholars
- Short scenes
- Short scenes: A Night Out At A Restaurant
- Short stories, Radio Plays, and etc.
- Short stories: ‘I Know Mister NAMM personally …’
- Short stories: A Fairy Tale
- Short stories: Anne
- Short stories: Dogfishing
- Short stories: How to Save Energy (August 1976)
- Short stories: In the First Place …
- Short stories: My Old Neighborhood
- Short stories: Sit On It And Spin
- Short stories: The Bus
- Short stories: The Dog Surrogate Twins
- Short stories: The Fashion Seen (July 1976)
- Short stories: The Roots of Tae Won Han
- Short stories: The Titanic
- Short stories: Typewriter Repair
- Site file directory
- Skil-Set/Alpha Graphix underground newsletters
- Sometimes cheaper is cheaper (1988)
- State-of-the-art suspension (1987)
- Stepping Out II
- Street Performance Suspension Bushings (1986)
- Sugar Crime
- SuperPaint Hits the Terrible Twos (1989)
- The Acceptability Factor
- The AutoTech exchange
- The AutoTech exchange
- The AutoTech exchange
- The AutoTech exchange
- The AutoTech exchange
- The Fax Facts (1988)
- The HyperCard Book
- The Laos Hymn (circa 1970)
- The long black line (1988)
- The Mac as a Tool
- The Mac is Here to Stay (1987)
- The Moon, The Sun
- The Porsche Tire (1987)
- The Power and the Glory (1988)
- The Raton Race (1987)
- The Raven Library (partial listing)
- Three Macro Programs (1989)
- To Compare
- Tricumbent Raven
- TV treatment: My Brother’s Keeper
- TV treatment: The Wontons
- TV treatment: Yo, Gutenberg!
- TV treatments
- Wacky Mailings
- What’s on my iPod
- Wilson Pro Room — Tennis Industry