‘Planning Tomorrows for The Working Stiff’

Hey, Joe!

We want to take away your furniture.

No, not the tacky stuff in your house … the furniture in your mind. The furniture that encourages old, outdated thoughts to overeat and sleep in late. Without this furniture, the only thing holding back your Dynamic Potential is you yourself.

Why not put it off until later?

Dynamic Potential is more than upward-mobility or Life-style Modification to possibly hostile environments in the Adaptation Eighties. DP embodies the principles of Unlimited Consumption, too. Hence, the Nuclear Sunsets, LTD motto: As long as there’s any left, we’ll take ours first.

How do you know it’s safe?

Sure, you’re hesitant to jump in and grab the bull by the shovelful. Why shouldn’t you be? After all, how are you going to remember when your favorite TV show is on if your brain can’t even find a comfy spot to lay down on the job and relax? That’s why I’m writing to you today; to tell you you don’t have a thing to worry about.

Let us give you what you have to lose.

Nuclear Sunsets, LTD has a place for you … and your brain. Yes, just because we deal with the unthinkable doesn’t mean that we don’t occasionally spend a few hours a week talking with guys/gals just like yourself, and the financial rewards are staggering. So pick up the phone and let us do your interior decorating. Those unproductive thoughts will be gone, and we guarantee you may never wonder why you haven’t missed them before.

We can help you, while we help ourselves.

Make that call now. Then give yourself a hearty pat on the back. That’s the sound of one hand clapping, and we’re glad to hear it coming from you.

Plug In, Plug On, Plug Up,

N.T. Gravity
Director, Human Service Sector
WATS Happening, New Jersey