Water-Cooled VW Performance Handbook
On-line automotive performance calculators
Here is a small collection of automotive-related on-line calculators. Each is fairly easy to use, and addresses a single task. You will need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser in order to make use of them.
- Air flow in cubic feet per minute (CFM) and horsepower
- Compression ratio
- Engine displacement
- Horsepower from measured torque
- Horsepower estimates based on ¼-mile ET and speed, and vehicle weight
- Horsepower loss due to altitude
- Linear (distance) conversions
- Maximum MPH for tires and gearing
- Quarter-mile ET and speed estimates based on weight and horsepower
- Skidpad g
- Valve sizing
- Volumetric conversions
If you’re really ambitious, here is a program in BASIC to help calculate optimal shiftpoints, as described in my book.